Collection and management of feedback with Fashion Point
Working with clients is a unique challenge, and their opinion can be a powerful tool to enable you to manage the development of your business in the direction you want.
Gathering customer feedback is important not only for improving your services, but also as a beneficial basis for developing future projects and enriching the range of services you can offer.
Each person is different and unique, but the information they can give you can easily be synthesized and analyzed with the powerful tools provided by a management platform such as Fashion Point.
A specially developed dynamic software product aimed at owners and managers of beauty salons and related businesses, Fashion Point offers you unique flexible options for collecting, managing and synthesizing information for your customers.
Customer satisfaction is a top priority for any self-respecting business that wants to grow and be successful. However, customer feedback is not just about their validation and good opinion of the product or service you offer. A variety of metrics that your customers can share with you gives you a complete picture that can be used for precise planning, statistics, implementation of new services, or service improvement.
When you get to know the typical behavior of your clientele, you can develop various additions to your standard package to satisfy your most loyal customers and attract new ones.
Every opinion is important
The competition in the beauty industry is fierce. Fashion Point helps you to be easily accessible and flexible for your clients - they find you easily and schedule meetings with your team of professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can easily integrate our innovative reservation management system according to your already established method of work - through your website, Facebook page or your reservation profile in our platform.
Customer base and data management
Your business needs a solid foundation to keep you close to your customers while saving you time, resources and effort. Reservation management allows you to focus on the important things while the administrative work is taken over by our flexible system. The data that your customers provide is the first step in accumulating a critical mass of information that you can use to improve your services and service.
Business analysis
An in-depth statistical analysis of the business is extremely important for its development. In addition to booking management, with Fashion Point products you can easily handle the data you need. Track workflows, monitor revenue and expenses in real time, see data on which are your most popular services and which of your specialists and employees are preferred by customers and have the busiest work schedule. The biggest advantage is that this information is constantly updated, which allows you to analyze both the immediate changes and trends in different months and even for the whole year.
Customer reviews
The possibilities for personalized customer feedback tools are among the biggest advantages of working with Fashion Point. We will help you reach your customers in the most appropriate way and help you manage the results in a way that satisfies you.
Individual attention to each client, current feedback after receiving a service, email communication and specialized questionnaires, customer surveys - the possibilities for collecting and managing information are unlimited, and we are available for you to make this process effective and smooth. .
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